Triad Magazine

A Hillsborough Community College Student Publication since 1978.

Give the Man a Chance

Photo by Brenda Medina

By Monique Hall

I can recall a political science professor once telling me “America gets what she deserves.” Although this professor and I didn’t agree on most topics, this was one subject on which we did.
America has been known to the world as the ultimate empire. Our wealth, although seemingly a thing of the past, put us in the forefront of the social and economic standards of the world. Our leadership on world issues made us invincible. Our ability to bounce back and recover made us the notoriety. At one time, we were a force with which to be reckoned.

Inflation and unemployment rates are at all-time highs, and the banking system we once knew is on the brink of a shutdown. We are now faced with challenges unlike any ever faced by Americans before. However, instead of bonding together as in yesteryears, we are ready to cast blame and pass the buck.

President Barack Obama is left trying to filter through the bull that has been left to him by an administration that didn’t give a crap. I urge you to take a chill pill, and please, give the man a chance.

The pundits are still outraged and blame him for an economy that was screwed up two administrations ago. This economic deficit did not happen overnight and most likely won’t recover for quite some time. If you want it fixed, you must give the man a chance.

We Americans are a peculiar people. When it is good, we are on the bandwagon. Yet, when it is bad, we want to jump ship. If you believe in change, then give the man a chance. If you believe in dreams, then give the man a chance. If you believe in a nation of liberty and justice for all—then please, by all means, give the man a chance. If not, again, I must agree with my former political science professor—America truly gets what she deserves.



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