Triad Magazine

A Hillsborough Community College Student Publication since 1978.

Our Love is like a Café con leche

By Rayna Garcia

Our love
Is like a café con leche
Wake up early so you have the time
To put the work in
Simmering slowly over the heat
And boiling over all at once

Saved just for the people closest to you
Make a cup for your mom
Because she taught you how to do it
After all
It reminds you both of Home

Two spoonfuls of sugar
A little bit of elbow grease
To whip up all the bubbles
Half a cup of milk
And whole lot of espresso
Poured slowly over the back of a spoon
Warm to the touch

So hot it’s steaming as it meets the air
Let love sit for a minute
Let love cool down
Come back to it when it’s just right

The kind of love that keeps you up all night
Keeps your heart fluttering

And still keeps you waking up
Early in the morning
For a cup of coffee together
That smell to welcome us into a new day
Like a warm hug
And a kiss that says,
Have a good day, my love,
You’re going to do great.

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