Triad Magazine

A Hillsborough Community College Student Publication since 1978.

Witness to the Revolution

By Emma Richardson

witness revolutionThe day before the opening of her exhibit, esteemed photographer of the 1960s, Lisa Law sat down for a talk with HCC students. She discuss the counterculture of the 1960s, her part in organizing the legendary Woodstock Music and Art Fair, and details of her personal life both now and then. Clad in a psychedelic peace sign scarf and beautiful Tibetan jewelry, Law certainly looked the part of a counterculture activist.

The conversation started with information about how Law originally got into photography, “My father was a 16mm man, and he was making home movies… of course, you know, you’re like your parents; you go around doing stuff like your parents … and I kept those things.”

Law certainly hasn’t refused to dismiss technology, as some may assume. Instead, she’s embraced modern technology as further means to spread her extensive repertoire of work.

Law is currently working as a historian with renowned historical documentarian Ken Burns to accurately document the counterculture movement. Law helped set up her gallery before it was open to the student body.

Law’s online exhibit for the Smithsonian states, “The counterculture lifestyle integrated many of the ideals and indulgences of the time: peace, love, harmony, music, mysticism, and religions outside the Judeo-Christian tradition.” The Smithsonian hosts a permanent exhibit of Law’s work and contains 208 photographs; the exhibit is by appointment only.

Law spent plenty of time talking with the students about the importance of nurturing the Earth. When asked about the similarities of the 1960s and modern time, she spoke of how the 1960s movement was just the beginning, the catalyst. She encourages this generation of students to heed the warnings of the time, and discussed solutions to the problems of today’s society, including protecting the environment.

witThe main, and pivotal, solution was to listen. Listen to and learn from actual, unprejudiced global news. Law suggests checking Democracy Now daily, which is what she herself does every morning and night.

Law also answered questions about her most famous residence, a mansion in Los Angeles dubbed “The Castle.” The Castle was host to many popular artists, including Bob Dylan, David Crosby, and Andy Warhol.

Law and her husband, Tom, only lived in the castle for a year before selling the place. However, the parties and musical sessions that took place there
will always be preserved in Law’s pictures.

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